Intro to Components

The main components of the library are the following.


Stores processors for specific datasets as well as code to generate pytorch datasets To download the datasets use scripts/download_<task> Currently implemented processors:

  • conversation response ranking: MANtIS, MSDialog, Ubuntu from DSTC8.

  • similar question retrieval: Quora Question Pair and LinkSO.

  • passage retrieval: TREC 2020 Passage Ranking.

  • clarifying question retrieval: ClariQ.

Note that since we choose the negative sampling on the go, we do not read the negative samples from the datasets, only the relevant query-document combinations.


Currently there is support to query for negative samples using the following approaches: - Random: Selects a random document. - BM25: Uses pyserini to do the retrieval with BM25. Requires anserini installation, follow the Getting Started section of their README. - sentenceBERT: Uses sentence embeddings to calculate dense representations of the query and candidates, and faiss is used to do fast retrieval, i.e. dense similarity computation.

See /examples/ for an usage example of the negative samplers.


Uses trec_eval through pytrec_eval library to support most IR evaluation metrics, such as NDCG, MAP, MRR, etc. Additional metrics are implemented here, such as Recall_with_n_candidates@K.


Transformer trainer supports encoder-only transformers, e.g. BERT, and also encoder-decoder transformers, e.g. T5, from the huggingface transformers library, see their pre-trained models.